Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Visit from a Londoner

Well, having a visitor from London definitely gives one a reason to blog... and a reason for RKJ to make buttermilk pies and RAJ to grill NY strips and marinated chicken. RAJ, RKJ and RKJ (yes there are two girls with those initials) teamed up to make for the first time ever... bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers on the grill. We had a fun time with our london visitor and her family. Then the next day it was off to the airport. She of course had to stop at wal-mart for a supply of products made in the U.S.A. - namely velveeta cheese and reese's peanut butter cups- the former being to have parties for americans and the latter to satiate Reese's deprived office mates. She also got to have her last U.S. meal for a while- at Rosa's cafe, compliments of my papa who was brought by nana. ABJ took some tortillas to her hubby-we haven't heard if they made it all the way across the ocean.


thesharester said...

bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers?! impressed.

Martha said...

Buttermilk Pies...I'm salivating!

Jennifer Josefy said...

ROSAS? hmmm i should make a trip there this evening. haha

bekah kay said...

when i first read this i thought it said "RAJ RKJ & RKJ teamed up for the first time" and i thought..we have done things together before!!

Anonymous said...

now don't you need to tell the tale of the 2nd visit from a Londoner?

thesharester said...

:( i miss ur blog